Fine arts programs at BCS offer students the chance to develop their skills and express the creativity, beauty and wonder of God through art, drama, dance and music.
Elementary and Middle School students receive art and music classes as part of the regular academic curriculum. Class art projects decorate the school’s halls, bringing colour and life, while the sounds of ukuleles and drums stir our spirits. Elementary students showcase their skills by performing in the annual Christmas Concert.
A changing variety of fine arts options classes are offered in Middle School and High School.
As an extra-curricular option, students in Grades 7-12 have the opportunity to participate in worship clubs and teams that perform for our weekly chapels. Students may be involved in a band by singing and/or playing instruments, or being on the tech team, assisting with lights, sound and media.
An annual spring drama production is also part of our tradition at BCS High School, which has recently included special performances by student dancers and featured promotional material designed by our students.