The BCS Story
Teaching minds…
Reaching hearts…
Transforming our world

About BCS

Bearspaw Christian School is a committed family of Christ-followers seeking to connect with Christ, enrich our relationships with others, and engage in lifelong learning.


We are a multi-denominational, fully accredited independent school following the Alberta Education curriculum while integrating Christian principles into every aspect of academics and student life.

About Bearspaw Christian School


David Anger, Head of School

It is my great pleasure and privilege to lead the amazing family of people that are the staff and students of Bearspaw Christian School. Our school is a place where diverse and uniquely gifted individuals are discipled to flourish, expressing their distinctive character in the full expression of who God has made them to be...

Our Board

Bearspaw Christian School Main Campus

Our volunteer Board of Directors is made up of an elected group of invested parents and alumni members. This passionate group, in partnership with the Executive Committee, comes together to cast vision and plan for the future.  They provide direction and leadership along with accountability to the school and its leadership team. Thank you to our current Board of Directors for their dedication and commitment to Bearspaw Christian School.

Our Staff

BCS Staff

BCS has a professionally qualified, committed team that is passionate about Christian education and growing God’s kingdom. The staff have a whole-hearted commitment to students and create a supportive, loving atmosphere. BCS fosters an academically rigorous environment that leads to excellent student achievement.

BCS Campus

Conveniently located for Calgary’s northwest communities, BCS is a vibrant, growing, multi-facility campus.
Contact Us

Have a question, suggestion, compliment or concern? Let us know and we'll get back to you. <br/> <br/> To report a late or absence use the <a href="">Parent Portal form</a>.

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