At BCS, we believe that the wearing of a uniform is a fitting extension of our mission to join with the family. A uniform helps create a learning environment with fewer distractions and greater equality while fostering a sense of belonging among students. The uniform also allows the community at large to recognize our students as a group of young people who share common educational and spiritual goals. It is our desire that the BCS uniform should contribute to a sense of pride in the school.
Uniform Policy
Uniform Supplier
All BCS students on campus must be in BCS uniform, purchased through our supplier Top Marks. Uniforms can be ordered as follows:
- Online via Top Marks website at (School code is BCS01)
- By mail or fax (1-855-344-5350). Please use the order form available at the front office.
- By email at — listing the styles, size, colour, quantity and the school you are ordering for. Do not forget to include your contact information and credit card with expiration date.