From kindergarten to grade 12, I attended Bearspaw Christian School, and now that I’m a university-level engineering student, I can confidently say that BCS adequately prepared me for success after graduation. Not only did I receive the Grace Chan Citizenship award at graduation, but I also graduated with a 95.0 Grade 12 GPA, which is a testament to the quality of education that I received at BCS.

As a Christian school, BCS provided me with an excellent academic education and a strong foundation in my faith. The teachers at BCS have a love for the Lord, and they incorporated religious studies seamlessly into the academic curriculum. The school emphasized Apologetics, and gave me the tools to defend my beliefs with confidence. BCS also provided opportunities for spiritual development through chapel services, prayer meetings, and other activities. Overall, BCS adequately prepared me to navigate the challenges of university life and defend my beliefs with confidence.

The strong sense of community that permeated BCS throughout my time there was one of the aspects I valued most. Teachers who were committed to ensuring our success both academically and personally helped to build this sense of community. They took the time to get to know each student on an individual basis, and were ready whenever help or advice was required.

The strong sense of community that permeated BCS throughout my time there was one of the aspects I valued most.

In addition, BCS gave me a strong foundation in the fundamental subjects of Math, Physics, and English, which has been extremely helpful for my Engineering studies. The challenging academic curriculum at BCS pushed me to think critically, solve problems, and create a strong work ethic. These abilities were crucial in my first year of Engineering at the University of Calgary.

The focus on leadership and character development at BCS is another feature that has helped me succeed. I was honoured with the Grace Chan Citizenship Award for my dedication to giving back to my community and for showing exemplary leadership. This distinction was not only an honour, but this recognition assisted me in gaining the self-assurance and leadership abilities needed to be an effective leader in my university and professional career.

Finally, BCS provided a lot of opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities and pursue my interests outside of the classroom. BCS has a wide range of clubs and activities, from sports teams to music ensembles, that allowed me to explore my passions and learn new skills. These experiences aided in the development of a well-rounded personality, which has served me well in both my personal and professional life.

My time at BCS was, in a word, extraordinary. The school provided me with a solid foundation in academics, character development, leadership, and religious conviction which has adequately prepared me for success in all areas after graduation. Despite the difficulties I’ve faced in my first year of Engineering at the University of Calgary, I feel confident in my future studies because of the high-quality education I received at BCS. I am proud to have attended BCS for 13 years, and I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences that the school provided me.

Kaleigh Hall
BCS Alumni, 2022

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