I have always loved writing and my family has always placed importance on it in my education. My great-grandmother was an English teacher, my grandmother was an English teacher, and my mom majored in English in University.

In grade 5, my teacher Mr. Stephenson encouraged my writing and editing skills. In grade 6, my teacher Mrs. Dove, who is a published writer, inspired me to spend time on my writing. Both of these teachers definitely played a role in developing this interest in me.

…when I was in grade 6, I started writing a column for Tweens in the Calgary Herald.

In 2016 when I was in grade 6, I started writing a column for Tweens in the Calgary Herald. One day my mom showed me a column her friends’ son was writing for a local paper back home in Toronto. I read his column and really enjoyed it – but I also thought, hey, I could do that! I suggested it to my parents and they loved the idea. I researched and wrote my first column. It took me a month to perfect. When I was done, my mom helped me find the email address of an editor at the Calgary Herald.

People suggested I start with a smaller, local paper first, but I thought I should start with the biggest and best paper in the city and go from there. I emailed my column to the editor and suggested that he hire me to write for him. I said it would be a good way to get kids my age to read his paper, because I didn’t think they did. Luckily, he agreed. He called my mom and the rest is history.

The Calgary Herald, my family and friends and everyone at BCS have been very supportive.

I’ve written six articles for the Herald. I enjoy it a lot. The Calgary Herald, my family and friends and everyone at BCS have been very supportive. Everyone encourages me to write and express myself, and I am thankful. I will continue my writing and will definitely weave it into my future, whatever I end up doing with my life.

BCS student

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